+32 (0)473 83 98 77

About us

The fact that you're here means that you have set your mind on 50+ and the older consumer. This because you're already convinced of the potential of the silver market. A still growing and powerful economic market segment. You want to understand them and you wonder how you can reach, engage and serve and bind them to you. Then you're here on the right place.

Those who will turn to this new ageing generation have to deal with a generation that aspires to grow old but never wants to be. No, they don’t make it easy for us. A colorful and diverse target group that makes every effort to stay up to date and relevant for this society. One retired, the other at work. Both active in their own way. Students are no longer on their payroll. Grandchildren and parents are now demanding their time and attention. In the meantime, this silver generation also jumped on the digital train. They not only scan Facebook and other social media on their tablet and / or smartphone, they check also their bank account, read newspapers and blogs, look videos on Youtube and now also constantly take photos and videos to share with the world out there.

bureau50 makes you understand this new silver consumer so you can reach, engage, serve and bind them to you. From how you win their attention to the selection of the most appropriate media and channels to succeed in your challenge. When it comes to products and services, we think in the first place about added value. And precisely because we start from the Design for All principle, our new campaigns, products and services can in some cases also seduce other generations too. Something what this silver generation acknowledges and even prefers.

You’re looking for an effectual marcom approach to target the silver consumer? Together with our Dutch colleagues, we have more than 10 years of experience in this area. From large companies, through start-ups to SMEs, but also for non-profit organisations and healthcare institutions. Together with our customers, we search for deep insights based on research that we translate into powerful marcom strategies, new services and products. That’s what drives us.

Can we invite you for a coffee?


Filip Lemaitre regularly shares on Linkedin ★Useful! 50+ consumer insights.
We share the best of this on a monthly basis in our newsletter.

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Registered office address
Pathoekeweg 2
8000 Brugge

Business en Meeting Center O-Forty
Kapellestraat 130-144
8020 Oostkamp

T. +32 473 83 98 77 / +32 485 66 90 77
E. info@bureau50.be

BE 0713.743.420